Tarasankar Motor Pvt Ltd is professionally managed for personal & commercial Automobile company & Authorised Dealer of Mahindra & Mahindra in Tripura. In this changing world, everybody used to dream to live a quality life. Tarasankar motor always takes pleasure to contribute itself to fulfill their dreams, complete their world, by providing professional and personalized service to their clients. Tarasankar Motor has a strong base of dedicated, talented, dynamic team of experienced professionals, supervisors, and technicians, supporting staff, who always eager to listen to you and serve you accordingly. The core aim is to do the things in transparent and ethical way, which has always helped us developing long-term association with our clients.
To Place Tarasankar Motor on top Quality Sale & Service Provider in Automobile Sector by providing best Sale & services to our valued customer through our professional approach and to strive hard to ensure sustainability through our constant efforts in an ethical way. We look forward to build a strong bonding with our client, fulfilling their expectations, by creating the best opportunities for owners.
Customer satisfaction is our utmost priority. To be the benchmark of a Quality Sale & Service Provider, we will work with full dedication, honesty, passion, and professionalism. The higher we set our sight and standard, the better we serve the people we care most about.
What we do is our passion and we love to push ourselves every day to do it better and with some principles, those we used to follow.